#GiveHope Syrian Orphans – Education

Following the most recent bombing in Lebanon, the Sharing Hope Foundation has endeavoured to assist the Al Amal orphanage based in Lebanon, that house Syrian Orphans as a result of the ongoing Syrian War.
Target is R60 000 and raised R14566.00
After more than eight years of conflict, the Syrian crisis continues to have a huge impact on children in and out of Syria. Every Syrian child has been impacted by the violence, displacement, severed family ties and lack of access to vital services. This has had a huge psychological impact on these children. There are 1.5 million school-aged Syrian refugee children living in Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon, but approximately half of them do not have access to formal education. Syrian refugee parents are fighting for their children’s right to education and to prevent their children from becoming a lost generation.
Nelson Mandela once said, Education is the most powerful weapon with which can change the world and with this in mind, we would like to raise R60 00 for the Al Amal School in Lebanon that has over 240 young refugees.