Thabit Ishmail’s parents have been the biggest inspirations in his life. From humble beginnings on the Cape Flats, they managed to support him and his siblings growing up with the little that they had, and never turned away anyone who would ask them for help. It’s a trait they instilled in him as well, to never look down on anyone and to share what he can with those in need.
His parents taught him the ideals of being grateful for the things he has and made him aware of how there were others who were less fortunate than him.
He also recalls all the cautionary tales of people his parents knew growing up who had such great talent yet never achieved their potential. This taught him that ability and skill were not enough – he had to work hard to achieve success. Those stories of unfulfilled dreams inspired him but also made Thabit realise that at some point you have to take stock and be grateful for the things you have, while also helping those in need.
Thabit has an honours degree in Information Systems and has done his Post Grads at UCT in Business and Systems Analysis. He also has a job he enjoys and works with people he says he looks up to.
But in spite of his successes, Thabit has also experienced hardships and difficult life lessons which have allowed him to emerge as a better, stronger person who wants to do better and be better. It’s why philanthropy is an inherent part of who he is today, and a core ideal he believes so strongly in.
Thabit feels that in the wake of everything that is going on in the world and especially in South Africa, the time is now for him to try and make a difference for the greater good of humanity.